Binance has announced the launch of its new platform, Alpha, built into its Web3 wallet. The platform will enable users to discover and invest in early-stage cryptocurrency projects.
The curated pool of tokens is selected based on Binance’s industry expertise and advanced analytics, alongside strong community interest and alignment with key market trends.
From December 18 to 20, Binance will add five tokens daily to the platform. For 24 hours, users will have the opportunity to review project details and utilize a quick-buy feature to acquire tokens.
Some of these projects may be considered for future listings on Binance, although the exchange makes no guarantees in this regard.
For seamless purchases on the Alpha platform, users are advised to update their wallet to the latest version and create a backup. The built-in MEV protection mechanism ensures better prices for investors, particularly for large transactions.
Previously, Binance launched its on-chain financial product service, On-chain Yields. The first offering was the Bitcoin-staking project Babylon.
According to the latest report, Binance has seen $21.7 billion in inflows year-to-date, nearly 40% more than the combined $15.9 billion of the next top ten exchanges.