Pavel Durov announced that by the end of 2024, Telegram will allow users to convert a limited number of gifts into NFTs on the TON blockchain. These digital gifts will be tradable both within the messenger and outside of the platform.
Launch of Telegram Stars
On October 5, 2024, Telegram introduced the feature of sending gifts via Telegram Stars, the internal currency of the messenger. Users can send animated gifts with messages, such as holiday greetings. The gifts can be displayed on profiles or exchanged for stars, which can be spent on donations, mini-apps, or to send congratulations to other users.
Hidden Anonymity
Users can send gifts anonymously, with only the recipient knowing who sent the gift. Additionally, developers can withdraw their Telegram Stars through the Fragment platform, using the TON blockchain.
Cryptocurrency Payment Features
As a reminder, during the Token2049 conference in April, Durov also announced the possibility of purchasing digital goods in Telegram with cryptocurrency. This initiative continues to expand cryptocurrency capabilities within the messenger.