Telegram founder Pavel Durov shared statistics on the legal requests for user data directed by authorities in various countries in 2024. According to the Privacy Policy, the messenger may provide users’ IP addresses and/or phone numbers in response to legitimate requests.
- 75 requests in the first quarter,
- 63 in the second quarter,
- 65 in the third quarter.
On Telegram’s largest market:
- 2,461 requests in the first quarter,
- 2,151 in the second quarter,
- 2,380 in the third quarter.
This practice has been in place since 2018 and is aimed at combating crime rather than compromising ordinary users.
Telegram’s Position
Durov emphasized that data disclosure occurs solely in response to legitimate requests in compliance with local laws. This helps authorities combat criminal activity without violating the privacy of law-abiding users. He also noted that the company strives to minimize data disclosure while maintaining privacy principles.
Community Reaction
The Telegram community responded to this information in different ways. Some believe that providing data to authorities is necessary for ensuring security, while others express concerns about potential privacy violations. Nonetheless, Telegram continues to uphold its reputation as a platform that prioritizes user data protection.